Wednesday, April 15, 2015

FAQ: Congress Passes A Bill To Fix Medicare’s Doctor Payments. What’s In It?

Well, our Congress has finally reached a decision on SOMETHING . . . .this time it's about how to stop the madness around the decreases to physician's payment schedules under what was known as the SGR or "sustainable growth rate" formula.  That's good news for physicians.  Maybe not such good news for some Medicare beneficiaries.

They are always looking for ways to pay for their changes to the system, and that is valid - it's WHAT they look at sometimes that puzzles me.  It is known that Insurance companies were caught increasing their risk scores (meaning that they over-inflated their numbers of high risk beneficiaries in their Medicare Advantage programs), so that they could receive more money to support those programs. 

Instead of reigning in that type of fraud, they decided to take away things like first dollar coverage for Medicare supplement plans C and F.  In other words, they are taking away more consumer choices, that have no impact on Medicare expenditures.  In 2012, this very issue was looked at to see if having first dollar coverage led to "overutilization" of medical care.  The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) conducted its own study, concluding that it did not.  And, logic says that it cannot, since Medicare supplement plans can only pay AFTER Medicare pays.  So, if there is overutilization - it occurs at the Medicare payment level - not because someone has a first dollar Medicare supplement plan.

It's too bad we can't take away some of the wonderful choices around insurance that we provide to our legislators, while we tell them that we think that by taking away their choices, it will somehow "change their bad behavior".

There are other elements to the legislation that fixes the payments to physicians under Medicare.  You can read more here

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