Monday, August 27, 2012

The Ridiculous Cost of Health Care

This article by Brian Klepper through "Care and Cost" online, is very good summary about health care costs & potential ways to begin normalizing them.  He begins by describing his own personal experience with an outpatient procedure and how ridiculous the charges were for a diagnostic procedure. 

I have just gone through major surgery myself - the bills are beginning to roll in & even with good insurance (which I've never used, because I was always healthy), the costs and then the 'adjustments' to those costs are mind boggling.  I've only received the billing for the preliminary "outpatient" procedures that were simply to get a diagnosis and I'm sitting at about $3000 so far (that's MY expense after all insurance discounting & adjustments were made to the ridiculous, original charges).  I'm bracing myself for the in-patient hospital stay and the major surgery bill . . . .

Will the Bubble Burst?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Managing Health Care Bills & Understanding Costs

This is a nice, concise article from the Washington Post with some key elements to managing the cost of your healthcare.  Our confusing system often leads to lack of understanding and can sometimes generate overpayment by many patients.

Read the Article here . . .