Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What will Health Insurance Cost in 2014?

This article from Bob Laszewski's Health Care Policy blog is a good synopsis of what could happen to the price of insurance under the new Affordable Care Act.  It clearly outlines items that will drive cost & how that will impact the consumer.

The Affordable Care Act: 10 Months to Launch "Obamacare" - Get Ready for Some Startling Rate Increases

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CCIIO head: federal health care exchanges to be ready to enroll on time | LifeHealthPro

CCIIO head: federal health care exchanges to be ready to enroll on time | LifeHealthPro

Interesting article regarding implementation of the health insurance exchanges.  Not sure where this will leave the independent health insurance broker (like me . . . ;-).  We'll just have to see how it all unfolds.